Dr Paul Carroll - Principle Dentist
BDS (Sheff), Mclin Dent (King’s) (Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics), PG Cert Med Ed (Cardiff) FGC Dent (UK) (UK), FHEA
GDC NO. 76110

An M.Clin.Dent is the highest clinical degree available in dentistry and is the equivalent of two normal Masters degrees. Paul also holds advanced training certificates in Implant Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Aesthetic Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry.
Paul is currently the only dentist in the Lichfield/Sutton area who has completed M.Clin.Dent level training in restorative dentistry.
In addition to his work at Shenstone, Paul is a clinical lecturer at the University of Birmingham were he trains undergraduate dental students on all aspects of restorative dentistry and lectures on fixed prosthodontics. Paul is also heavily involved in the training of postgraduate dentists on the Masters programme at the dental hospital.